IP Numbers and Ports for California Real Time Network (CRTN) at SOPAC Updated August 14, 2008 by Yehuda Bock (ybock@ucsd.edu) Notes: (1) Dynamic map of stations: http://sopac.ucsd.edu/projects/realtime/ (2) Station metadata (receiver, antenna, etc): http://sopac.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/SITe.cgi (3) Coordinate system: the base stations transmit CSRC (NAD83) Epoch 2007.0 coordinates. See http://csrc.ucsd.edu/input/csrc/csrsEpoch2007_0.txt. The coordinates refer to the geodetic monument (not antenna phase center, not antenna reference point) (4) Real-Time Software: SOPAC uses RTD-Pro and CommLinkProxy (CLP) software, licensed by Scripps from Geodetics, Inc. (http://www.geodetics.com) (5) Disclaimer and Usage Conditions: http://sopac.ucsd.edu/projects/realtime/ (6) Key for CRTN sites: (RT Sub-Network/Responsible Agency/RT Telemetry Agency). Data from sites with an RT Sub-Network of LACRTN are obtained from USGS Pasadena (source: http://www.scign.org/realtime). Data from sites with a Responsible Agency and RT Telemetry Agency of PBO are obtained from the Plate Boundary Observatory operated by UNAVCO for EarthScope (www.earthscope.org), supported by the National Science Foundation (No. EAR-0323309) (7) Agency acronyms: OCRTN: Orange County Real Time Network SDCRTN: San Diego County Real Time network LACRTN: Los Angeles County Real Time Network MWD: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California PBO: Plate Boundary Observatory USGS: US Geological Survey, Pasadena Office (8) RTD Ports for RYO real-time positions: IP= 5010 RYO CRTN_01 5011 RYO CRTN_02 IP= 5012 RYO CRTN_03 5013 RYO CRTN_04 5014 RYO CRTN_05 5015 RYO CRTN_06 5016 RYO CRTN_07 5017 RYO CRTN_08 (9) CRTN NtripCaster Support for Individual Sites (not available at this time): IP= User-ID: CRTN Password: RealTime These are the mountpoints for site code SIO5, for example: 1)SIO50: raw data (this is for testing purposes only, we cannot support 24-7 access to raw data ports from multiple sites). 2)SIO52: RTCM 2.2 3)SIO53: RTCM 2.3 NtripClient available at http://igs.ifag.de/index_ntrip.htm (10) CRTN Network RTK Support: IP= Port 5001 Enhanced RTK (provides closest base station RTCM 2.2, in response to NMEA GGA message) Port 5020 Smart RTK (requires RTD Rover software) Port 5030 RTD Guest (requires RTD Rover software (11) CRTN Individual Ports Support: IP= 8000 Port Series: RTCM 2.3 -- see list of sites below 7000 Port Series: RTCM 2.2 -- see list of sites below (substitute "7" for leading "8") 9000 Port Series: Raw data (CLP) (Ashtech MBEN, Leica LB2, Trimble RT17) -- see list of sites below (substitute "9" for leading "8") 1 Hz GPS data in RTCM 2.3 format